Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Adventure Land Playground

We spent last night and this morning at the new Adventure Land Playground. It's fun - and dare I say I got a little tossed around myself going down the green tube slide. LOL We've been so anxious for this to open and let me tell you, it is worth the wait! there's the "big kid" playground and a smaller toddler area as well as the water/spray park area. What I love about these areas is that they really lend themselves to interactive parent/child play!
The pictures are really self-explanatory... you'll see at the end, Campbell was pooped and crashed by the time I strapped him in, walked around to strap Ian in and got myself buckled. I turned around and he was out ... cookie in hand. LOL

1 comment:

Krystin Coburn said...

Holly I dont have your address of phone number. I have a few things I could send. So let me know if it is too late. Sorry to be so flaky! Hope all is well. It looks like you are so enjoying AZ. I admire your adventerous spirit so much. I need more if it, send some my way!!