Thursday, July 31, 2008

Summertime in Pine Top, AZ

Last weekend we rendezvoused in Pine Top, AZ with Mimi, Honk and Aunt Mer. A wonderful change of scenery and an even better change of weather. We actually saw RAIN! We didn't get enough pictures, but we did have a great time.

Mimi, Campbell & Meredith

Ian loved to nap or chill in the top bunk, but we made him sleep the night away in the bottom. That's a crash landing I didn't want to worry about in the wee hours. ha..ha.

The boys playing outside after breakfast at Mama Bear's

Ian doing what boys do... checkin' out rocks.

Campbell cheesin' it up for the camera, as always...

The fam... Jonathan, Holly Meredith, Dale (Honk), Mimi, Campbell and Ian. Not sure why Ian was making the face, but it makes me laugh, so I had to include it... the next one he was all smile. Just goes to show, the frowns are almost always for show. ha.ha..

1 comment:

Holly Sanders said...

that little Campbell is pretty dang cute with that Cowboy hat on!